What to Look for in a Home Spray Tan Machine

Spray tanning is becoming increasingly popular, as the safe and healthy alternative in achieving a tanned look. Not only is spray tanning a safe option, but also convenient and easy. There are lots of fabulous and well-priced home spray tan machines on the market these days, so you can enjoy a healthy and natural looking tan at an affordable cost in your very own home. The only thing is, if you’re not sure what to look for in a tanning machine it can be a little bit tricky to find just the right one. Below are a few tips on what to look for in a home spray tan machine.
If you’re tanning at home, unless you have a special spray tanning room, it’s likely that you’ll want to be able to pack the machine away. For this reason we recommend choosing a light-weight machine that you can easily move around the house.
In order to get the most out of your spray tan solutions, you should choose a home spray tan machine that has high pressure and low volume (HPLV). There are lots of these machines available, so you shouldn’t have trouble finding one.
Don’t be fooled into buying a home spray tan machine without a warranty. Any reputable and high quality machine will have a good warranty, making sure that you get your money’s worth out of the machine.
Not everyone needs to consider this, however, if you tend to avoid loud noises, then it’s best to choose a machine that is nice and quiet. There are lots of machines available that make very little noise.
Be sure to shop around and find the best bargain for your spray tan machine. Buying a machine in store is likely to be much more expensive than online, so do your research!
So if you’re ready to start tanning the healthy way, then why not buy yourself a spray tan machine for your home! As long as you choose the right machine at the right price, you’re sure to get your money’s worth.
Summer Tanning Tips & Advice

Sunless tanning methods have gained great popularity as the much safer and healthier alternative to traditional sun tanning. They are able to give your skin a great tan without exposing you to the harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays. Here is some of our favourite summer tanning tips:
1 – Prepare your skin well before you go for your summer tan session. This involves exfoliating your skin to help remove any dead skin cells, thus enabling your self-tanner to absorb fully and evenly into your skin. 2 – Do not apply deodorant or moisturiser before your sunless tanning session as this acts as a barrier and thus prevents your tanning solution from absorbing well into the skin. 3 – Wax your body a day before your sunless tanning session – this is another of the tanning tips that you will find useful. This is because waxing leaves your pores open and getting your summer tan immediately after this can lead to blocked pores. To remove excess wax from your skin, take a shower after your waxing appointment. 4 – Apply a thick moisturiser to your nails if they are not painted. This is important because the moisturiser acts as a barrier and prevents your nails from turning yellow from the summer tan. 5 – Moisturise your body after you have had sunless tanning. This ensures that your tan lasts much longer and fades much more evenly, preventing that patchy look. 6 – Use sunscreen – this is another of the tanning tips that you should not ignore. A sunless tanning solution does not provide enough protection. So apply a good amount of sunscreen to protect your body from the dangerous UV rays. Most summer tan products do not contain sunscreen so stay safe and touch up every 2 hours! 7 – Wear hats, sunglasses and any other protective clothing. 8 – If possible, avoid being in the sun during peak hours when the sun’s rays are strongest. 9 – Drink plenty of water and liquids to ensure that you stay hydrated. This is another of the tanning tips that you will find helpful as it helps your skin remain soft and moisturised, as the body tends to lose a lot of water during summer. 10 – Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine as they tend to reduce water from your system and cannot therefore help you maintain your summer tan.
What Can I Use On My Face to Avoid Pimples?

Acne is a skin problem that persists during the teenage years, and often, even after our teens. The red spots and uneven marks become prominent enough to make a person feel quite self-conscious about their appearance. To reinforce their confidence, a simple way to conceal their imperfections is by spray tanning. Your client may insist they break out when they apply beauty treatments and spray tans, but the advice you should give them is to opt for natural spray tans or organic spray tanning.
Natural spray tans or organic spray tans are the safest options for acne prone skin as opposed to the traditional method of tanning. This is because lying out in the heat and humidity of the sun or in the heat rays of a tanning bed influences the sebaceous glands which makes the skin become much more oily. The oilier the skin is, the more acne and breakouts are likely to occur. In addition, acne creams and medications make the skin sensitive. The increased sensitivity of the skin to UV rays is called photosensitivity. This makes you client’s skin more sensitive to sunlight and the light of tanning beds. This raises the risks of them attaining a severe sunburn, premature aging, wrinkles, skin damage, and skin cancer.
For this reason, sun tanning is never a good idea for a client with acne prone skin, especially if they are already using acne creams or medications. For a safe and healthy glow, natural spray tans is the best way to go! You should do a spot test on you client’s skin to ensure how the skin will react. That way you can choose spray tanners for them that have been especially made for the face with a lower chemical content. The spray tanners you should choose for them should be rich in naturally based and organic ingredients. Spray tan over their face lightly and pull the gun back while doing so. This will not darken their spots and it will create a natural glow on the face.
However, you should stay on the safe side and ask your client to contact their dermatologist and ask if it’s safe for them to get spray tanned over their face. They can discuss the ingredients of natural spray tans with their dermatologist and check if their skin would react with any of those ingredients and intensify their acne. But your client should be told that dihydroxyacetone (DHA) only tans the dead skin cells found on the upper layer of their skins. It does not clog the pores or interfere with acne.
You must keep in mind that spray tanning – natural spray tans or unnatural spray tans – do not heal acne. You must explain to your client that tanning is a temporary way of camouflaging breakouts and acne scars.
SOL HQ Review

SOL HQ has become a popular tanning solutions brand across many salons in Australia. With an experience of over 12 years in the spray tanning industry, SOL HQ has provided spray tan lovers with amazing spray tan products. The company has been labeled as “the tanning gurus” by the Australian Beauty Editors, so we’ve decided to take a look at spray tan solution reviews and let you decide amongst the best seller tanning solutions by SOL HQ:
The Botanical Quick Tan solution by SOL comprises of a bio-tanning technology, which produces a tan within 2 hours of application. Bio-tanning is a new and revolutionary technology which includes plant extract that strengthens and enhances the production of melanin. This then increases the skin’s natural defense against the sunrays. This tanning solution is designed for all skin types, with a light to medium tan finish over 2 hours, for a darker tone, leave it on for 2 to 5 hours. Expecting mothers can also try this tanning solution, after consulting with your doctor. Because of its natural ingredients, including botanical extracts, erythrulose, aloe vera, vitamin E and natural antioxidants, it makes it an ideal option for the environmentally conscious clients. The tanning solution moisturizes the skin, which then disperses the tan evenly over the skin and fortifies the tan colour.
If you are looking for a tanning solution, which creates a medium and sleek bronze tan on any skin type, the Regular Bronze by SOL is what you should get your hands on! Designed mainly for users with Type 1 and 2 skin types, this tanning solution contains DHA and erythrulose so that a deep gold and long-lasting tan is produced for even the fairest skins. It is perfect to use during the winter months and for those approaching their big day!
Designed for tanned and olive skin tones, the Choc Brownie by SOL is ideal for creating a seducing dark brown tan. For anyone with the skin types 3 and 4, this tanning solution is a dream come true. The dark tan is produced by high amounts of DHA. In addition, it contains a strong dose of aloe vera so that the skin is left with a soft and supple feel after application.
The D&E by SOL creates a perfectly dark tan over all skin types due to its main ingredients – DHA and erythrulose. The tanning solution works best on skin types 2, 3, and 4, along with Caucasian an even fair skin types. With the help of vitamin E and aloe vera, the skin remains soft and smooth even after the tanning solution has been applied.
The Best Foods For Healthy Skin

Have you ever heard the saying “you are what you eat”? Well that’s even more important when it comes to your skin! Wrinkles, sagging skin, and dryness are put to a halt by taking care of the skin. In addition, a healthy complexion leads to a natural looking spray tan as good skin allows deep absorption of the tanning solution. Here are some foods for healthy skin, which you should incorporate into your diet:
Dairy products like yogurt contain vitamin A and low levels of fat and sugars, which are essential in helping the immune system and leading to vibrant and healthy skin.
Packed full of antioxidants, blueberries have a massive impact on healthy skin, as they help to fight free radicals and harmful toxins that have gathered on the skin. Free radicals are created by pollution and UV rays which lead to DNA damage.
Essential for healthy skin, carrots are also good for your eyes and helping to clear breakouts. They contain vitamin A, which prevents the overproduction of cells in the outer layer of the skin’s surface. This stops the clogging of pores caused by dead skin cells and sebum combined. Vitamin A also puts an end to the formation of skin cancer cells.
These healthy skin foods contain large amounts of vitamin C, which increases the production of collagen. This firms the skin and protects skin cells from damage caused by free radicals. In addition, they prevent premature wrinkles from forming.
If you are a fish-eater, salmons are perfect foods for healthy skin. Salmons add luster and softness to the skin as it prevents the body’s production of inflammatory substances. This decreases clogged pores and wrinkle formation.
Yes a tasty tuna sandwich can help provide the skin with selenium! Selenium preserves elastin, which is a protein that makes the skin tight and smooth. It is also an antioxidant which prevents damage caused by free radicals.
Walnuts lead to healthy skin as they contain high doses of omega-3 fatty acids, which lead to plump, hydrated, and younger-looking skin.
Organic green tea comprises of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances known as catechins. Regular drinking of green tea reduces the development of basal or squamous skin cancer cells. It also reduces visible signs of aging. Green tea leads to healthy skin as it reverses the effects of sun damage and it neutralizes the changes made on the skin when exposed to the sun for long durations of time.
Sunflower seeds contribute to healthy skin by slowing down the development of wrinkles. They also contain high doses of vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that slows down the age processing of the skin.
Dark green spinach leaves contain large amounts of beta carotene, a strong antioxidant which repairs the skin cells and slows down the development of skin cancer cells. The leaves also contain potassium, fiber, folate and lutein – all of which aid in repairing DNA damaged by the sun UV rays.
Sweet potatoes are delicious and full of vitamin C, leading to wrinkle free healthy skin. Vitamin C also aids in collagen production and beta carotene.
Healthy skin is attained with tomatoes as well. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is a phytochemical that not only makes the tomato red, but also it aids in the elimination of skin-aging free radicals. When heated, the human body gains the most sun-protecting nutrients.
Consuming oils is vital in providing the skin with essential fatty acids. These make the skin dewy and increase the elasticity of the skin as it increases collagen development.
This oil is nutritious when uncooked as it contains large doses of omega-3 oils in it. Try consuming it on salads for healthy skin. Flaxseeds consumed in solid form also provide sufficient amounts of fatty acids, which hydrates the skin, leading to plumper skin and lesser wrinkles.
HVLP Spray Tan Machines

The HVLP spray tan machine can cut minutes off a spray tan session if it is used appropriately. This is mainly because of the 8 inch spray pattern that the HVLP spray gun can produce in comparison to the typical 2 inch pattern that an air brush produces. Here is how to use the HVLP spray gun in the vertical spray pattern.
1. Start by adjusting the spray nozzle to a horizontal spray pattern of about 5 or 6 inches wide. Hold the spray applicator about 6 inches from the body when spraying. However, these settings are likely to vary depending on the speed at which you spray and the solution that you use. A few practice sessions with your HVLP spray tan machine will help you make adjustments that work best for you.
2. Try to keep a steady pace and follow through at all times when starting and stopping your spray, do it off the body while holding the mist applicator in a level position. If you realize that there are positions that require you to end on the body, do so by slowly letting off the spray trigger and quickly pulling the HVLP spray gun away from the body.
3. When spray tanning the face, instruct your clients to close their eyes, breath in and hold their breath for a while. Start by spraying down the front of the face, followed by the right side and then the left side after you can ask them to breathe again.
4. Approach the front section by asking your client to stand with feet apart and arms slightly away from the body. Using the HVLP spray gun, start with the shoulder and then spray down the left side as you veer off the left ankle, and then move to the right side of the body off the shoulder. Pulling the HVLP spray tan machine away from the body, move up the middle to the neck.
5. For the inside leg ask your client to slightly bend and turn their knee out. Spray up the inside of the left leg, pulling back when you get to the groin area. Repeat the same process on the right leg.
6. The inside of the arm should be treated with the palm of the hand facing the technician, start with the wrist area and moving quickly up the arm. Pull the HVLP spray gun back and spray lighter in this area. Repeat the process on the right side of the body.
7. For the sides, pick up from the point where you had left off on the inside of the upper arm. Move down past the arm pit going down the side of the body that is off the ankle. Repeat the process on the other side of the body.
8. With the back start by using the HVLP spray tan machine, start off with the shoulder and spray down the left of the body ensuring that you finish off at the shoulder. Move up the middle area to the neck.
9. For the back of arms, instruct your client to hold out their arms a little and then slightly rotate their wrists while turning their thumbs towards the back wall. Starting off the body, use your HVLP spray gun down the triceps area, moving to the side of the arm and finishing off at the wrist.
10. Top of the arms front should be finished off by starting from the body and spraying down towards the wrists veering off just before you reach the back of the hands
11. An important tip for the hands and feet is to ask your client to hold out their hands in a clawed position. Pull the HVLP spray tan machine further away from the body and perform a few quick light sprays.
12. Side of arms – ask your client to turn sideways with their thumbs pointing in towards their legs. Hit the top of their shoulders and move down the side of the arm ensuring that you veer off by the wrist.
13. Repeat the whole process depending on the skin type and the needs of your client.
14. Clean the palms of the hands and the bottom of the feet using baby wipes.
15. Use the air from the HVLP spray gun to dry your client.
The Ultimate Guide to Spray Tan Accessories

Spray tanning businesses can either be a success or a failure – it all depends on fitting the right equipment and spray tan accessories in the spray tan salon. You need to be fully aware about these spray tan accessories and know what purpose they serve in the salon if you are planning on opening a new business. Here is a brief view on each of these spray tan accessories, which are vital to keep in a tanning salon:
A spray tanning tent is an essential spray tan accessory for every spray tan salon and mobile tanning business as it perfectly creates a professional environment for the clients to be spray tanned on. These tents ensure that over-spray remains in one space and then filtered away. Spray tan tents can be portable or fixed, and they carry an opening at one side of the tent where an air extraction unit can be placed.
Clean Feet are important spray tan accessories as they are specifically designed to protect the soles of the feet from over-tanning and turning brown. Unwanted spray tanning residue will not gather on the client’s feet with its help. Clean feet are easy to use; simply peel off the paper of the clean feet so that a sticky surface is exposed. Place these on the floor and stand over them before the spray tan session to stick them to the feet.
Disposable hair caps are the best spray tan accessory for protecting the hair of the client during a spray tanning session. These caps are comfortable to wear and they keep unwanted hair off the face.
Every spray tanning business needs hand towels for cleaning purposes by the client and the spray tan applier. These spray tan accessories are usually dark in colour so that spray tan stains do not show.
Barrier creams are essential spray tan accessories as they play a major role during the spray tanning session. These creams prevent the DHA from over-absorbing in the dry areas of the body, such as the elbows, ankles, palms, soles and cuticles. This means unwanted spray tan build-up will not form on the body and create a blotchy look on the client. Barrier creams also moisturize the skin so that a perfect colour is created and blended on areas that may over-tan. The cream simply has to be applied prior to the spray tan session over areas that you do not desire to turn brown. The cream has to be left on until the session is completed and then wiped off with warm water.
A spray tan primer is another important spray tan accessory. A primer prepares the client’s skin for the spray tan session by lowering its pH level and adds moisture.
Like disposable hair caps, disposable g-strings are an essential spray tan accessory. These keep the underwear area free from spray tan.
The Best Foods For Summer

Each summer it can be a real challenge to get your body bikini ready, but the best way to get back to a firm and fit physique isn’t through crazy crash diets. Simply consuming lots of yummy and nutritious healthy summer foods you can ultimately have fewer calories without feeling guilty about the portions and frequency of your meals.
Fruits and vegetables readily available at the farmers market or grocery stores are summer foods that are low in calories and loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and minerals. These include:
Watermelons are a great way to stay hydrated because they are composed of 90 percent water and include nutrients like vitamins A, B6, and C. They are also packed with lycopene and citrulline which act as antioxidants and provide an internal sunblock which aids in collagen damage and skin sagging. The rosy melon has only 92 calories despite it being so sweet, making it the perfect slimming snack.
Tomatoes are fantastic and versatile summer foods because they are readily available and full of nutrients like vitamins C and E, lycopene, carotenoid and beta-carotene. They also act as a sunscreen with anti-cancer properties due to the lycopene in them, while the carotenoid protects the skin from sunburn.
The sweetest of all summer foods, berries have various varieties during the summer season – strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and gooseberries. Berries are also low in calories and are high in vitamin C, antioxidants, fiber, phyto flavonoids, polyphenols, anthocyanins, and pectin, which lower cholesterol. Berries also include anti-aging properties that improve blood circulation and help fight free-radical damage to cells and tissues.
Full of antioxidants, proteins, omega 3 fats, and fiber, mangoes are a great tropical fruit that is both sweet in taste and very low in calories, making it one of the best summer foods to snack on this season.
Iced tea serves as the perfect summer treat on a hot sunny afternoon. Drinking iced tea regularly lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s and diabetes, and it also gives healthier teeth, gums and bones, as tea is rich in antioxidants like flavonoids. By adding a pinch of lemon juice to it, the flavonoids are preserved when refrigerated. Iced tea is great for weight loss because it contains chemicals like catechins, which help to shed belly fat and boost the metabolic system.
Corn contains the antioxidants luetin and zeaxanthin, which aids in the development of macular pigments that filter out the damaging rays of the sun. These antioxidants also lower the risk of the development of age-related macular degeneration, which causes blindness in people over 60 years of age.
One of the yummiest summer foods, peach, is a nutritious fruit filled with vitamins A and C, antioxidans, fiber, lutein and zeaxanthin. And did we mention it is super low in calories?
Bell peppers in the summers come in different colours like green, yellow and red. These summer foods are rich in fiber, beta carotene, antioxidants, svitamins A, B6, and C. It reduces cholesterol levels and triglycerides in the body.
Green beans are appetite-controlling summer foods, which can help, keep the stomach full for three hours. They comprise of omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium, fiber, beta carotene, vitamins C and K. Green beans are rich in anti-inflammatory enzymes which flush any excess water weight from cellulite prone areas.
The super fruit, figs, are a pack full of fiber, folate, potassium, antioxidants and vitamins. The incredibly sweet fruit is also low in calories so you can enjoy them this summer, guilt free!