Healthy Foods That Help Achieve A Sunless Tan

Science brings the best discoveries when it comes to health and nutrition. A recent study has shown that anyone can actually get a tan without the use of lotions and salon visits. Wondering how? The study shows that eating certain fruits and vegetables leads to the formation of a golden glow all over the body! Try out these tanning foods to facilitate in sunless tanning:
Water is an essential element in our nutrition as helps to keep the body hydrated. During the summer months, you need to drink plenty of water to aid the process of tanning. Water works up the tan even in controlled exposure to the sun and it will keep the skin moisturized.
The vitamin you should consume more to tan your skin is vitamin A. This is because it aids in the increase of melanin production, so try eating foods with more Vitamin A such as egg yolks a few times a week. You should also avoid over-consuming Vitamin C as this can actually reverse the effects of Vitamin A, and slow down the tanning process.
Foods rich in bioflavonoids and vitamin E contribute in the production of melanin. Vitamin E also keeps the skin soft and supple, which leads to a glowing complexion. Consume tomatoes, pistachios, and fish to obtain high doses of vitamin E for your tan.
Eating raw carrots will boost your body with carotene. Carrots are an excellent source of natural carotene which is used in many tanning products to speed up results. If you eat plenty of carrots, you will enhance your sunless tanning results.
Cheese can be hard to resist for many, so make it an additional item in your grocery list if you plan on working on your natural tan. White cheese gives the best results but even other cheeses will work their charm in the tanning process.
Foods containing calcium and tyrosine help in tanning as well. Drink milk and keep your diet rich in dairy products.
Mangoes are a fruit rich in vitamin A, which makes it extremely good for tanning. Add them in your diet this season to create a refreshing tan.
Olive oil has healing and moisturizing effects on the skin. It regenerates new skin cells while shedding off the dead skin cells and acting as a vivifying agent. This makes a suitable candidate in food that aid in sunless tanning.
Watermelons, melons, apricots, spinach, fish, plums and peaches also promote sunless tanning results.
Quick Ways to Fix Self Tanner Streaks

Self-tanners grew more prominent when the risks associated with sun tanning gained more exposure. With the advancement of science, the formulas of these tanning solutions have been perfected and the results they produce resemble that of a natural suntan.
However, errors are likely to appear if you use an incorrect shade or if the product is not applied properly. Streaks and spotted imperfections do fade out eventually, but if you’re looking to removing the fake tan immediately, follow a few of our tips and tricks!
– Exfoliation is one of the best ways to remove a fake tan. Use a damp rough cloth and rub over your skin after applying a little cleanser, scrub, or moisturising gel. You can also use exfoliation gloves or loofahs instead of a washcloth.
– You can also try removing a fake tan with the help of baking soda. Simply apply the soda to a damp cloth and rub over your body to remove the dyed skin cells.
– Soak yourself in a tub filled with hot, soapy water and lie in it for an hour. Water also fades a faux tan.
– Add some baking soda to a tub filled with hot water and use a washcloth or exfoliating mitt to rub your skin. Gently exfoliate while you are in the tub.
– Lemons also help in removing fake tans. Cut a lemon and rub over the discoloured areas of your body. Citric acid existing in lemons has a bleaching effect and will reduce the colour of the streaks on your body.
– Use a strong toner on your face and neck every night before going to bed. Removing that orange tan from the face will be your prime target because it can’t be covered with clothing. Use a toner that contains alpha hydroxyl acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxyl acids (BHAs) as these are highly effective in correcting the suntan errors.
– Rub alcohol over the body with the help of a washcloth or cotton pad. Your skin might become dry after the application so use a moisturiser afterwards.
– Apply baby oil over your body and take a hot shower to remove the fake tan. Exfoliate the skin while showering with the help of a loofah or a sugar scrub to reduce the streaked tan.
Manscaping: The Beauty Treatments For Men

Gone are the days when a man would simply leave the house with a shave and shower. Beauty treatments have now become just as popular amongst men, as they have been with women. With celebs like Tom Cruise, David Beckham and Zac Efron all reportedly indulging in the latest grooming regimes, including laser treatments, pedicures and even waxing.
Some of the most popular procedures men are undergoing include:
Laser treatments are being demanded by men to fix even the most minor skin problems such as acne scars and sunspots. The laser treatment called Fractional CO2 laser is highly demanded as it is used to remove acne scarring. In this treatment, microscopic holes are poked into the skin so as to stimulate the formation of collagen that fills the scars and creates smooth and supple skin. Laser grooming for men also includes the removal of unwanted tattoos.
Men are paying to get primped and toned in every way possible when it comes to manscaping. The best way to accentuate their bodies is by getting a sun-kissed glow. Nothing gives you a fresh post-holiday looking glow like a little fake tanning – even for those of us that don’t have the time to achieve the look naturally!
A big part of manscaping has been waxing – from chest to eyebrows, legs and even bikini, waxing is now a regular part of a man’s grooming routine.
Men are spending thousands of dollars on their teeth to attain the perfect smile. Teeth whitening and porcelain veneers are the most demanded grooming treatments in dental clinics by men these days.
More and more men have fallen prey to the fixation of removing those crow’s feet around their eyes. Wrinkle erasing injections is another common manscaping procedure men are running for. Men want to look younger just as women do. Commonly treated areas in botox for men include forehead wrinkles and the lines formed between the eyebrows.
Exfoliating Dos and Don’ts

Body exfoliation is the perfect way to give the skin a new and fresh glow whilst helping to reduce breakouts and the formation of dry skin. Exfoliation is the removal of dead skin cells collected on the uppermost layer of the skin so that newer and fresher skin cells reap out. Although the process of exfoliation is a natural process, it occurs less frequently as we age, which leaves an uneven pile-up of dead cells over the body. Without exfoliating the skin becomes dull and congested, and blemishes begin to appear. This makes body exfoliation a key ingredient in improving the tone of the skin, which then enables moisturizers, suntan solutions, and anti-aging products to be effective.
Body exfoliation is done with the help of loofahs, pumice stones, exfoliating mitts, exfoliating cleansers, scrubs, or body brushes. However, there are several ways of exfoliating the skin properly and with care. Here is a guide on the do’s and don’ts of exfoliation:
– Don’t overdo it! Keep a gentle hand and exfoliate in moderation, such as twice a week.
– Don’t use a scrub that has harsh or scratchy particles in it. Exfoliate your skin with a scrub or exfoliation cleanser that has small and spherical particles.
– Don’t exfoliate your lips. Your lips have a thinner and more sensitive layer of skin that is naturally smooth. Exfoliating the lips will only damage the area of the skin. Apply only sunscreens, moisturizers and lip balms.
– Don’t exfoliate your scalp. The hair keeps the scalp covered which makes it nonessential to exfoliate the scalp regularly. Instead, use a glycogenic acid shampoo if you have dandruff or oily hair.
– Don’t exfoliate your skin before cleansing. This is because it will only remove the makeup or dirt gathering on the skin’s surface. This still leaves the dead skins cells, which will then block the pores and make the skin appear dull and dry.
– Don’t use any exfoliating gel or cleanser with a loofah as that will overdo the exfoliation process.
– Don’t use a glycolic acid, retinol, or AHA based moisturizer after using a cleansing scrub.
– Do exfoliate dry skin. Parched skin requires exfoliation as the dried dead skin cells accumulate over the skin and prevents water from absorbing into the skin. Always apply a strong moisturizer to help lock in hydration after body exfoliation.
– Do use a pumice stone on thick skin like the toes, elbows, and soles of the feet.
– Do use a loofah on thinner areas of the skin, such as the arms and legs.
– Do wear a sunscreen after exfoliating as the skin’s protective layer has been removed and your skin is the most sensitive at that point.
– Do clean your loofahs or exfoliating utensils with water after usage.
– Do replace your loofah on average every 2 weeks after the first use.
Salon Marketing Tips for Winter

Salons have become a near-necessity in the lives of many people. Regardless of how the economy is performing, people will always visit salons for different services that help them to feel confident about their appearance. However, winter is a hard time for spray tan salons as fewer people get spray tans during this time. Here are some salon marketing tips to help you build up more business over the winter months:
1. Create a special winter package for your customers. This is one of the salon marketing ideas that you will find extremely helpful. You can run special promotions like mid-week specials, get your 10th salon visit free, among many others. Such promotions will encourage your clients to come back regularly for spray tans.
2. Another simple salon marketing ideas includes calling /SMS / email your clients to remind them of their next appointment. By doing this, your clients will be able to honour their spray tan appointments and will less likely forget that they book them. You may also call / SMS / email clients to try to book them for their next appointment. However, be careful not to overdo this as your customers may start treating your messages as spam.
3. Engage in online marketing. This is another of the salon marketing tips that you will find helpful. You can start off by revamping your website by adding functionality for online booking or by running cost effective marketing tactics like Google Ad words. With such online salon marketing ideas, you can make it very convenient for your customers to book appointments in addition to reaching out to more people.
4. Partner with other businesses in your area to create packages or to enable you to cross promote to their customer base.
5. Drop flyers. This is another of the salon marketing tips. You can design and print flyers to promote your spray tanning business and then drop them off around your local area. This way, people will get to know about your spray tanning business.
6. Provide great customer service. This ensures that your customers keep coming back, in addition to increasing the number of people that are referred to your business by customers that are happy with your services.
7. Prepare business cards and give them to friends and family members.
8. Ask your clients for feedback. This is yet another of the salon marketing ideas that you can make great use of. It helps your clients feel that they are important to you and therefore gives them a reason to keep coming back.
What to Look for In Spray Tan Machines

When it comes to running a successful business, you will need to acquire the best equipment, and our spray tan machine reviews will help you decide. There are a plethora of products for sale on the market which will attract your eye, but stay focused on what is suitable for your business and budget. You also have to consider where the equipment will be used – in your salon or your mobile tanning business.
To know which specific equipment best fits your business, you need to first learn about the different options throughout the industry. It’s here that spray tan machine reviews will come in handy, guiding you through the different styles and helping you make an informed decision.
The HVLP machine is the most well-known product type, used in both salons and mobile businesses. In this type of machine, large amounts of tanning solution are delivered at a low pressure over the client. These machines come in the form of hand-held, applicator guns which deliver air from a flexible hose that is generated by a turbine. The high volume of air is reduced to 5-10 pounds per square inch (psi) at cubic feet per minute (cfm) of 45-62, which ensure an even and fine flow of the mist and less over-spray. If you are setting up a salon, the best HVLP machine to opt for is either a HVLP 550W or 700W machine.
This spray tan machine review will illuminate some of the most prominent features of HVLPs, including:
– It creates a tan over the client in less than five minutes. – Quick results allow you to service at least 6 clients within an hour – The 3-speed settings (high, medium and low) will ensure that you produce results that match your client’s specific requirements – With the help of the heat function, you can dry the client effortlessly. – An automatic shut-off system which will prevent the machine from overheating – With the help of the deluxe gun, the spray tanning solution does not leak. The average amount of solution you will use is 30-50mls per session. – Easy to use and lightweight, making it suitable for those starting a new business.
There are a variety of HVLP machines available on the market these days, though spray tan machine reviews will prove that most work in the same way. The drawback being that they create a lot of noise due to the extra fans that exist within the system.
LVLP machines are also turbine driven like the HVLPs, but the major difference between the two is that LVLPs operate at 1 psi with a 40 cfm, and this flow can be adjusted according to the client’s requirements. LVLPs release a fine spray which quickly dries, without any over-spray, so less solution is wasted in the process.
The prominent features of LVLPs are:
– Efficient, as it wastes less spray tanning solution. – Creates an instant colour over your client in 5-10 minutes. – It releases a low air pressure when sprayed producing an even and fine mist. – Flexible delivery adjustments to give results that match the client’s preference.
LVLP systems are used by most tanning salons and mobile businesses. However, its main drawback is the requirement of special expertise for its use. It is also very expensive and can be too noisy for mobile tanning businesses.
Originally created for applying fake makeup-like tattoos over the body, the airbrush tanning compressor is now used for applying spray tans. It is quite popular, especially amongst mobile operations as it is a cheap and lightweight option. In addition, it is not noisy like the previously mentioned models.
Important features of the airbrush tanning compressor include:
– Due to its capability of spraying 35 psi of air pressure, it gives a narrow and fast spray pattern. – A speedy 25-30 minutes process. – More affordable range of products. – Limited noise pollution, unlike other models.
Apart from these positive features, there are several drawbacks. The airbrush compressor tends to over-spray due to the narrow delivery, and is much slower in spray tanning clients when compared to the HVLP and LVLP systems, which take only 5-10 minutes in delivering results.
The automatic spray tan booth is an enclosed area, similar to a shower cubicle, in which a client stands and is sprayed automatically by a number of nozzles which release a fine mist over their body. This type of machine is mainly used in professional spray tan salons.
Some important features are:
– Provides a very easy and simple method to treat clients. – It is automatic. – It is fast and effective. – Takes only 1-2 minutes to apply the tan over the client. – A private and comfortable way for those clients who feel shy in baring their skin.
There are several drawbacks, including:
– Costly set-up fees. – Less accuracy than manual spray tan machines operated by professional salons. – Often require touch-ups afterwards.
How to Spray Tan

Since it’s now well-known that tanning in the sun is unsafe, lots of people have decided to take up sunless tanning! Not only is sunless tanning the quickest and easiest way to get a tan, but it also prevents your skin from being exposed to the sun’s harmful UV rays. Spray tanning is a simple and harmless way to create a sun-kissed glow at any time of the year. When applied correctly, a sunless tan will look entirely natural, so nobody will ever know the difference! You can easily learn how to spray tan yourself at home, or how to spray tan someone else by following these simple and easy steps:
1.The day before spray tanning, it’s always a good idea to exfoliate your skin. This helps to remove any dead skin cells, and allows the spray tan to evenly penetrate the healthy skin. If you wish to shave your legs or any other areas, it’s also best to do so the day before, as shaving or waxing afterwards will only ruin the tan. Once you have exfoliated and shaved, be sure to apply a nice, rich moisturiser to prepare your skin for the spray tan.
2.Whether you’re fake tanning yourself at home, or you’re learning how to spray tan someone, it’s essential to remember that on the day of the spray tan, you must have a warm shower and wash off any make-up, perfumes or creams. Make sure that your skin is a clean slate before you start spraying.
3.The only areas that you want to moisturise before the spray tan, are the particularly dry regions such as the elbows and knees. Apply a small amount of moisturiser or barrier cream to stop these areas becoming particularly dark from the spray tanning formula.
4.Don’t forget to wear a pair of latex gloves beforehand to ensure that your palms don’t turn orange!
5.To successfully learn how to spray tan, you need to know which order to spray your body in. The first areas to spray are the legs, working your way up from the ankles to your thighs. Spray a steady stream of mist beginning from the lower leg and continuing around it in a circular motion until you reach the thighs. Keep the pressure from the nozzle steady so that each area is evenly covered.
6.The next area to spray is the feet. Start off with a very light coat, and then touch up with some more if necessary.
7.Next you can start tanning your arms. Before you do this it’s best to remove the gloves so that you don’t get a tan line. Apply some moisturiser to the palms, knuckles and cuticles so that they don’t absorb too much colour and you’re good to go!
8.It’s now time to move onto the stomach, chest and shoulders, and lastly up to the face. Of course it’s best to apply a light coat to the face at first, as you can always apply more later if necessary.
9.Spraying your back can be extremely tricky and it’s hard to get it even, so we highly recommend you go through how to spray tan someone with a friend or a family member so they can do this part for you!
10.Last but not least, remember to give yourself some time to dry before getting dresses into loose clothing. Follow the instructions on the spray tan solution as a guide on how long you should wait before you shower off.
So there you have our quick and easy steps on how to spray tan yourself at home!
What to Look For In a Good Spray Tan Gun

If you’re opening a new tanning salon, or beginning a mobile business, you will need the most reliable tanning equipment to attain and sustain success. The main factor to keep in mind is the equipment you buy must be suitable to the type of business you are going to operate. Next, you must find the right spray tan gun. The actual process is quite easy to learn and master. You just need to know how to hold and angle the spray tan gun correctly. We’ll take you through everything you need to know when choosing the right model for you, and some basic tips on how to use it.
1. Hold approximately 2 or more ounces of solution, because covering over the entire body of a client will take at least 2 ounces of liquid. 2. Avoid over-spraying. Usually, gun applicator labels read “Siphon-Feed” or “Side-Feed”; remember that these labels don’t matter. Your gun should only use the solution in portion and not over-spray. 3. Try opting for an HVLP model if you can afford it. However, don’t go overboard and buy a HVLP gun that has an 18-inch spray pattern! The higher the pattern, the more the solution is wasted. 4. Which spray pattern is best for you? Choose an applicator that has a 2-6 inch pattern. If you buy smaller, you will waste time in spraying a client. 5. You should always try and buy the best, sometimes you need to choose the best option should also work within your budget!
The HVLP guns are the most commonly used applicators in salons and mobile businesses. This type contains large amounts of solution that is delivered at a lower pressure. The high volume of air is reduced to 5-10 pounds per square inch (psi) at cubic feet per minute (cfm) of 45-62 – which ensure an even and fine flow of the mist and less over-spray. If you are setting up a salon, the best HVLP machine to opt for is either a HVLP 550W or 700W machine.
Some of the most prominent features of HVLP machines include:
– It creates a tan over the client in less than five minutes. – The quick results and spraying speed allows you to serve at least 6 clients within an hour. – The 3-speed settings (high, medium and low) helps to match any preference your clients may have. – You can dry clients effortlessly with the help of the heat function. – Spray tan guns have an automatic shut-off system which will prevent the machine from overheating. – With the help of the deluxe gun, the solution does not leak. The average amount of spray tanning solution you will use is 30-50mls per session. – Easy to use and lightweight, offering excellent portability.
There are a variety of HVLP spray tan guns available on the market but they mostly work in the same way. You must be cautious of the guns’ weight and usage purpose before choosing one for your salon or mobile tanning business. The drawback of HVLP guns are that they create a lot of noise due to the extra fans built within the gun itself.
Even though every spray tan gun will vary in design and structure, the general procedure for application is the same.
Here are some tips on making your clients tan look natural and flawless:
1. Always ask your clients to exfoliate before spray tanning them. Exfoliation removes the dead skin cells from the surface and helps to increase the absorption of the solution. 2. Always tightly close the lid of the spray tan gun after you have filled it with the spray tanning solution. This will prevent dripping or spilling of the liquid. 3. Always keep the settings lower when working with small children. 4. The fan pattern of the spray tan guns should be adjusted according to the body parts. For larger areas like the stomach or back, the pattern should be turned to horizontal. For areas that are narrower, the ankles or wrists turn the pattern to vertical. 5. Hold the gun vertically to prevent an uneven finish and move it continuously to avoid dripping or over-colouring of certain areas. 6. Always ask the client to hold their breath when working on their face. Work the face in three strokes – forehead, temple to chin, and left and right sides of the face.