What to Look For In a Good Spray Tan Gun
If you’re opening a new tanning salon, or beginning a mobile business, you will need the most reliable tanning equipment to attain and sustain success. The main factor to keep in mind is the equipment you buy must be suitable to the type of business you are going to operate. Next, you must find the right spray tan gun. The actual process is quite easy to learn and master. You just need to know how to hold and angle the spray tan gun correctly. We’ll take you through everything you need to know when choosing the right model for you, and some basic tips on how to use it.
1. Hold approximately 2 or more ounces of solution, because covering over the entire body of a client will take at least 2 ounces of liquid. 2. Avoid over-spraying. Usually, gun applicator labels read “Siphon-Feed” or “Side-Feed”; remember that these labels don’t matter. Your gun should only use the solution in portion and not over-spray. 3. Try opting for an HVLP model if you can afford it. However, don’t go overboard and buy a HVLP gun that has an 18-inch spray pattern! The higher the pattern, the more the solution is wasted. 4. Which spray pattern is best for you? Choose an applicator that has a 2-6 inch pattern. If you buy smaller, you will waste time in spraying a client. 5. You should always try and buy the best, sometimes you need to choose the best option should also work within your budget!
The HVLP guns are the most commonly used applicators in salons and mobile businesses. This type contains large amounts of solution that is delivered at a lower pressure. The high volume of air is reduced to 5-10 pounds per square inch (psi) at cubic feet per minute (cfm) of 45-62 – which ensure an even and fine flow of the mist and less over-spray. If you are setting up a salon, the best HVLP machine to opt for is either a HVLP 550W or 700W machine.
Some of the most prominent features of HVLP machines include:
– It creates a tan over the client in less than five minutes. – The quick results and spraying speed allows you to serve at least 6 clients within an hour. – The 3-speed settings (high, medium and low) helps to match any preference your clients may have. – You can dry clients effortlessly with the help of the heat function. – Spray tan guns have an automatic shut-off system which will prevent the machine from overheating. – With the help of the deluxe gun, the solution does not leak. The average amount of spray tanning solution you will use is 30-50mls per session. – Easy to use and lightweight, offering excellent portability.
There are a variety of HVLP spray tan guns available on the market but they mostly work in the same way. You must be cautious of the guns’ weight and usage purpose before choosing one for your salon or mobile tanning business. The drawback of HVLP guns are that they create a lot of noise due to the extra fans built within the gun itself.
Even though every spray tan gun will vary in design and structure, the general procedure for application is the same.
Here are some tips on making your clients tan look natural and flawless:
1. Always ask your clients to exfoliate before spray tanning them. Exfoliation removes the dead skin cells from the surface and helps to increase the absorption of the solution. 2. Always tightly close the lid of the spray tan gun after you have filled it with the spray tanning solution. This will prevent dripping or spilling of the liquid. 3. Always keep the settings lower when working with small children. 4. The fan pattern of the spray tan guns should be adjusted according to the body parts. For larger areas like the stomach or back, the pattern should be turned to horizontal. For areas that are narrower, the ankles or wrists turn the pattern to vertical. 5. Hold the gun vertically to prevent an uneven finish and move it continuously to avoid dripping or over-colouring of certain areas. 6. Always ask the client to hold their breath when working on their face. Work the face in three strokes – forehead, temple to chin, and left and right sides of the face.