Maintain a Healthy Winter Glow

Instead of letting winter get you down , there are various tips you can use to help yourself look and feel fabulous in the cooler weather. Firstly, we will start off by saying it is vital to eat right, and drink plenty of water so that you stay healthy and energetic.
You’ll be happy to hear that it doesn’t just come down to eating boring salads and going for runs. Our tips to looking best this winter include exfoliating and moisturising your skin and maintaining a healthy looking glow with a professional spray tan. For best results, exfoliate your skin every other day to effectively cleanse the skin and gently rub away dry, dead or aged skin cells. Exfoliating will expose a smoother texture and a healthier more radiant looking appearance. These are procedures that need to be kept up with on a regular basis, as they provide far better results that way than if you try to do a last minute effort the day of the spray tan. This helps keep the skin looking youthful, and is vital in preparing the outer skin cells in being receptive to a professional spray tan. When it is cold outside, and you are feeling a little lifeless and dull, a spray tan may be all you need to boost your confidence.
Winter is especially hard on your hair, but there are some precautions you can take to avoid your hair getting dry and dull. Firstly, aim to cut your hair every six to eight weeks to protect the cuticle and remove dead ends. Not only does trimming your hair make you look and feel refreshed, it can also help it to grow longer with time.
Additionally, it is essential to understand the importance of switching up your routine. It’s a different season which means a different routine. As your skin changes each season with the weather, so should your skin care regime. Using the right make up is key to surviving the winter blues. Also since your skin can get dry in the cold weather, a great tip is to mix your moisturiser with your foundation for perfect and flawless winter skin. Also, remember to always remove your make up at night so your skin can breathe, repair, and rejuvenate.
These tips will help you maintain a healthy glow this winter, and don’t forget a professional spray tan for standout skin.
Naked Tan Solution Review

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a gorgeous looking tan all year round? Well it’s possible! With spray tanning you can have a stunning summer glow in the cold winter months! You may be wondering whether a spray tan will look fake or orange and the answer is no. You can purchase high quality tanning solutions extremely affordably these days, and some of our favourites are the Naked Tan Spray Tan Solutions. With these incredible tanning products, you’ll look like you’ve lapped up the natural sun and achieved a glorious summer tan. No one will ever know that it’s fake!
Naked Tan is an Australian brand established by Lea Taylor in 2005. It was created for the modern women and is intended to be an on-the-go tanning companion. In just two hours you can wash off the solutions and have a fully developed tan, making them quick, easy and convenient. Here are three premium solutions that we highly recommend!
Natural Solution (8% DHA)
For the light tanners and the fair-skinned, this is the spray tan solution of choice. Containing 8% DHA, this product will give you a healthy and subtle looking glow. Highly popular among brides, this spray tan solution has a stunning golden base giving the ultimate goddess appearance.
It is also vial to note that this solution has the following features:
Tanned Solution (10%)
For those who desire a more noticeable tan, the Tanned Solution is a fantastic choice. Similar to the Natural solution, this product is free of parabens, alcohol and fake tan odour. It also contains all the healthy ingredients such as Aloe Vera, Coconut and Vanilla Bean. Contrary to Natural, though, this product has 10% DHA, giving you a gorgeous, medium-dark tan, while still appearing gloriously natural. The golden based solution is suitable for a huge range of complexions, even those with fair skin.
Chocolate Solution (12%)
Like the first two products, the Exotic spray tan solution is packed with features that guarantee nothing but a perfect, sunless tanning experience. The only difference is that it has 12% DHA, giving a stunning, deep, hot chocolate tan. If you’re after a super dark tan, straight from summer sun, then this is the solution for you. This Naked Tan product is suitable for all skin types and ideal for those with Mediterranean or olive complexions.
Often people find it difficult to find the perfect spray tan solution for their skin type. With the Naked Tan products, there’s no need to worry. These solutions are perfect for all skin types, with a golden base that suits almost any complexion. The only choice you need to make now, is how dark you want to go!
Caring for Your Spray Tan

When it comes to caring for your spray tan, the most important spray tanning tip is moisturising with a good product such as a tan extender. This is the first step in extending the life of your tan. However, there are many more ways to prolong the life of your tan and stop it from fading or going patchy too soon. Here are some great ways to take care of your spray tan.
Wax or shave a day before the spray tan This spray tanning tip is important because waxing or shaving after a spray tan will make your tan fade faster as some of the tanned outer skin layer will be removed during the process. If you have to wax or shave, be sure to do it at least 24 hours prior to your spray tanning session. Having a spray tan just after you have waxed or shaved can result in uneven results as the skin pores may be left open.
Exfoliate before the spray tan Ensure that you use a body scrub or an exfoliating glove to shed off the dead skin cells at least a day before your spray tanning session. By doing so, you will make your skins surface smooth and ready to receive an even and natural-looking tan.
Avoid applying any cosmetic products before the spray tan Do not apply any perfume, deodorant, foundation, primer, concealer, or moisturiser on the day of your spray tan session. The reason for this spray tanning tip is that you want to avoid any other products interfering with your skin’s absorption of the spray tan solution. In addition, some deodorants and perfumes may react with the tanning solution and cause patchiness or discolouration.
Wear loose clothes after the spray tan Wear loose fitting clothes after your spray tanning session to avoid ruining your tan or your clothes. Most tanning solutions are quick dry and should be fine, however we say “better safe than sorry” and therefore minimising your skin’s contact with your clothes is still worthwhile.
Avoid exercise, showering or swimming too soon after the spray tan To ensure the spray tanning ingredients can work their full magic on your skin, allow them to remain undisturbed for at least 6-8 hours. This is of course different for any of the 1 hour tanning solutions, however the longer you can leave your skin to res, the better. An additional spray tanning tip: chlorinated water found in swimming pools shortens the life of spray tans so try to stay away from chlorine.
Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise! Moisturising is a vital spray tanning tip. By applying a gentle moisturiser, your skin can remain hydrated which helps to slow the shedding of your tanned skin cells. Using a tan extender as your moisturiser is the best way to hydrate your skin and maintain your summer glow. A tan extender is a blend of moisturiser and bronzing products (sometimes small amounts of DHA), helping to increase the life of spray tans. Using a tan extender can help to keep the skin moist and supple, while adding a little colour to your skin daily.
With this list of tips, you can maintain an even and natural looking tan for as long as possible. If you take the time to get a spray, why not make sure you get the most out of your tan? If you’re not using a tan extender, then this is one spray tanning tip you should try. We promise you’ll never turn back!
How to Remove Fake Tan

There are some incredible benefits to spray tanning! Not only can we can have a glorious summer tan all year round without harming our skin from the sun’s UV rays, but with the array of one hour tanning solutions, we can be tanned in no time at all. If you love your skin, it’s likely that you have given up the old fashioned method of sun tanning and started spray tanning at home or at professional clinics. Otherwise you could be one of the few people that worry about their tan looking patchy, uneven or orange, therefore avoiding spray tans. If that’s the case, we want you to know that this is unnecessary for two reasons. Firstly, spray tan solutions have come a long way in the last decade and are unlikely to give an orange colour unless used incorrectly or excessively. Secondly, there are numerous ways to remove fake tan if you make any tanning mistakes. Here are some of the best fake tan remover tips for those who already love spray tanning or those who have been too nervous to try it. We’ve put them in order of which one’s we recommend trying first.
So there you have our top tips for how to remove fake tan. There’s no need to worry if you have a spray tanning error, take a deep breath and choose a fake tan remover from our list above!
Love Your California Tan

California is well known for beautiful beaches, hot summer weather and gorgeous tanned surfers. It’s therefore no wonder why one of the most popular spray tanning brands is called California Tan. This range of tanning solutions has been manufactured by New Sunshine LLC, one of the leading indoor tanning companies worldwide. If you’re looking for a high quality and reliable spray tan solution, the California Tan products are a fantastic choice. Below is a review of the products that we love most from their tanning line. With the four products below, you’ll have everything you need for the entire tanning process.
Body BufferThe first step to any tan should be giving your skin a thorough scrub or buffer. This product uses natural, fine-grained volcanic rock to exfoliate and reveal fresh, healthy and rejuvenated skin. Taking the time to use this Body Buffer with ensure your achieve an even, long-lasting glow that fades evenly every time. Not only will your skin be exfoliated by this product, but it will also be conditioned, containing both Aloe Vera and Sunflower Seed Oil.
Barrier CreamBefore applying any spray tan solution, it is always best to use a barrier cream to protect areas that are prone to building up colour too fast, such as the hands and feet. The California Tan barrier cream is formulated with Shea Butter and Safflower Oil, forming an effective and nourishing barrier for your skin. Also containing Aloe Vera and other healthy ingredients, your skin will love you for using this product!
One Hour Instant Sunless Solution-MediumWe just love this spray tan solution! If you’re after a natural, even looking tan in a short amount of time, then this is the solution for you. Formulated with only the best ingredients such as Vitamin C and Aloe Vera, your skin will feel soft and moisturised after applying this tan. Not only is it free of parabens and alcohol, but it’s also suitable for sensitive skin and can be washed off in just 1-3 hours.
Tan Extender with BronzersIf you’ve taken the time to exfoliate and apply your spray tan, why not help your tan to last as long as possible? This Tan Extender uses bronzers to give a subtle, natural looking glow, while also moisturising and hydrating the skin to encourage your spray tan to last longer. Combining Aloe Vera, Shea Butter and Sunflower Seed Oils, you will love the feel of your skin after you use this product.
So there you have a list of our favourite California tanning products! As you can see, this range includes everything you could possible need, from the perfect spray tan solution to the tan extending moisturiser. If you are looking for a darker looking tan, then you could try the dark one hour spray tan solution, however during the cooler months, we recommend the medium tone for a natural looking glow. So what are you waiting for? Get your California Tan on!
Common Spray Tan Q&As

Spray tanning or self tanning is without doubt the best way to get your tan! Without the harming effects of the sun’s UV rays, this tanning method is becoming increasingly popular all around the world. If you’re interested in learning more about spray tanning solutions, here are some of the most common questions and answers.
Q1. How do tanning solutions work?A: The critical tanning ingredient in tanning solutions is known as Dihydroxyacetone (DHA). Rather than increasing the skin’s melanin levels like a UV sun tan, DHA creates a chemical reaction with the outer skin cells, turning the very top layer of skin brown.
Q2. What is Dihydroxyacetone and is it dangerous?A: DHA is a tanning ingredient that is usually derived from sugar cane. It is a colourless 3-carbon sugar that when applied to the skin causes a chemical reaction with amino acids in the surface cells of the skin producing a darkening effect. It is currently the most popular method of sunless tanning, mainly because it has been approved by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) as safe for consumer use. There appear to be no long term side effects from this ingredient, affecting only the very outermost layer of skin.
Q3. How should I prepare for my sunless tan?A: If you wish to have an even tan, it is important that you remove dead skin cells before you start applying the solution. The best way to remove these cells is using a natural enzyme exfoliant, or otherwise an exfoliating glove with natural soap. The main thing is, you should try to avoid using harsh exfoliants or soaps that may dry your skin out! Having removed the dead skin cells, you will then need to moisturise your skin. Repeating this 2-step process a few times for the week leading up to your tan is the best way to prepare your skin.
Q4. When is it best to exfoliate?A: Exfoliate the day before your tanning session, leaving at least 8 hours between exfoliation and application of the tan. Exfoliation will open your pores up, which may result in your tanning solution being absorbed unevenly. It is important that your skin settles and the pores close before you start spraying.
Q5. Will I end up with spray tan on my clothes?A: You should be aware that it is very likely for some of the fake tan colour to end up on your clothes and bed sheets. After you have had a spray tan, you are not meant to shower for 8hours, and therefore during that time the tanning solution can easily discolour the clothes you are wearing. For this reason, we recommend that you wear dark, loose fitting clothes, and avoid wearing anything too special. That said, the solutions are water-soluble and will generally wash out of fabric.
Q6. How long does it take for a spray tan to dry?A: Within 10-15 minutes tanning solutions should have dried enough to get dressed. If you are in a hurry, you can use a fan to speed up the drying process!
Q7. Once I have applied my tan, how long do I need to wait to shower?A: Unless you are applying a speed tan, you should generally shower approximately 8 hours after applying any tanning solutions. If the solution needs less time that this, it will instruct you on the bottle. Always read the instructions if you are unsure.
Q8. Roughly how many days will my sunless tan last for?A: Sunless tans generally last for anywhere up to 10 days depending on your skin type and how well you care for your tan.
Q9. How can I get the most out of my tan and help it to last well?A: To increase the life of your tan you should moisturise regularly, avoid too longer showers, avoid exercise or sweat-inducing activities, and try not to swim in salt water or chlorine. You can also use a tan extending lotion to increase the duration of your tan.
Q10. How can I avoid my tan wearing off unevenly?A: To avoid your tan from wearing off in uneven patches, it is best to use a tan extender. For the first 48 hours at least, you should avoid chlorine and salt water, as well as heavy exercise. Once you are reaching the end of your tan, it is best to gently exfoliate using a glove and natural soap, followed by a rich moisturiser.
Q11. How do I make sure my feet and hands don’t turn too dark?A: When spraying feet and hands, it is important to apply less tanning product than the other body areas. This goes for the wrists, ankles and other thin skinned areas. A great way to ensure these areas receive less tan is to increase the distance between the spray gun and skin.
Q12. Will I smell from tanning solutions?A: Depending on which tanning solution you use, you may notice a slight odour after tanning. Most tanning solutions are designed to leave a pleasant smell, fairly similar to any other beauty products. That said, the smell should only last while the solution is fresh on the skin and should disappear after the first shower. There are tanning solutions available which are odour-less, so if the smell upsets you, then you can always try these products instead.
Q13. If I get tanning solution in my hair, will it stain?A: It is extremely unlikely that your hair will change colour from tanning solutions. The cosmetic bronzers in the solution may discolour light coloured hair initially, however this should always wash out. If you are concerned, you can always spray with a shower cap over your hair to be extra careful!
Q14. Is it likely that I will turn orange from using sunless tanning methods?A: Any tanning products that we sell at Adore Tanning, are high quality and designed to give a golden glow. Different skin types can take to the tanning solution differently, and therefore some people will develop a darker tan than others using the same solution. There is however no chance that you will turn an orange colour. If you have a pale skin tone or are concerned about turning too dark, make sure you gradually build up the tan with one layer at a time until you are used to the solution.
Q15. Can I swim in the pool or ocean after applying tanning solutions?A: We recommend that you avoid swimming for at least the first 48 hours of applying your tan. The chlorine and salt water can have an exfoliating effect on the skin, causing the tan to wear off more quickly, which can also result in an uneven tan.
Q16. If I have extremely sensitive skin, can I still use sunless tanning methods?A: While everyone skin is different and we cannot give a certain answer, there are multiple types of tanning solutions available these days given the popularity of sunless tanning. Certain solutions have been designed for sensitive skin, containing no perfumes or skin-irritating ingredients. If you have sensitive skin, it is best to apply a small amount to test for a reaction, before applying to the whole body.
Q17. Is sunless tanning bad for my long term health?A: Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) tanning agent has been approved by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). There are no signs indicating that DHA-based spray tanning solutions have negative long term effects. The solutions are designed for external use only, and therefore you should be careful not to ingest the spray.
Q18. Will tanning solutions give me more freckles?A: The spray tan will not increase your freckles, as it does not increase the skin’s melanin levels like a UV sun tan. When the spray has first been applied, it can dry into small droplets on the hair follicles, appearing as though you have lots of freckles. This washes away with the first shower! Note – spray tanning will not cover up your freckles either!
Q19. Do tanning solutions protect me from the sun?A: This is an extremely important question. The answer is no! Despite the new tanned appearance, your skin will still be just as sensitive to burning from the sun! Continue to slip, slop and slap the SPF lotions before going in the sun.
Q20. How many coats of tanning solution should I apply?A: This varies from person to person depending on the skin type as well as the tanning solutions being used. Fairer skin types should be careful to build up their tan gradually, applying only one or two light coloured coats at first, while darker skin types can afford to wear a few coats of a darker solution. This will also vary depending on how darker tan you wish to have, so trying various coats over time is the best way to know!
With all this knowledge, we know what you’re now thinking. Who would choose any other tanning method?
What’s in spray tan solutions?

Spray tanning has become a hugely popular trend in the last few years, mainly because people have begun to realise that sun baking poses too greater health risks. Spray tanning provides a sunless alternative, helping us to have a summer glow without the harmful UV rays. However this brings us to a large question. Is spray tanning safe? What are all the ingredients in the spray tan solutions? Like most cosmetic products, tanning solutions often contain a multitude of ingredients that you may be unfamiliar with. To help put your mind at rest, we have compiled a glossary of some of the most common tanning ingredients and their properties.
As you have just learnt, not only can spray tan solutions give you a glorious summer glow, but many of the ingredients can also help your skin in other ways. Sunless tanning truly is the smart choice, so start avoiding the sun’s harsh rays and get yourself familiar with spray tanning. Here is a useful list of tanning terminology to help get you started.
So there you have a comprehensive list of the ingredients that you are likely to find in spray tan solutions. With this knowledge, you now know what to avoid and what to look out for when you’re next buying your tanning products!
All About DHA Tanning

Spray tanning is one of the most convenient ways to get a sun-bronzed glow in only a few minutes. Applying a spray tan takes only about 10 minutes and the even result will be visible almost immediately after the application. Most people probably have heard about the “magic substance” dihydroxyacetone or DHA. But, what is it exactly and what else can be found in a spray tan solution? Let’s have a closer look at all the different ingredients found in DHA tanning solutions.
Self tanning products all contain dihydroxyacetone (DHA) as the active ingredient, a harmless colourless sugar which has been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) in Australia. DHA gives you a golden self tan by working on the outermost layer of the skin. As it is only active on the outermost layer of your skin, side effects are minimal. Only a small handful of people will experience an allergic reaction. If you feel an allergic reaction developing ensure you wash off the product immediately.
Self tanning products these days contain essential oils, natural butters, hemp seed oil, natural botanical extracts, Liposominal Tyrosine Complex and Riboflavin and are bioengineered to maximise the quality of tan. All ingredients work to give you healthier skin. They also contain tingle, which contains enhanced levels of botanical oils and natural vitamins that would stimulate microcirculation of your skin by drawing blood towards the skin surface.
All in all, DHA tanning is very safe for your health and skin. Self tanning products will help to moisturise your skin, unlike sun tanning which will give you dry and wrinkly skin!
So if you are searching for a magnificent glowing sun kissed looking skin, DHA tanning products are definitely the best and safest option.