Winter Skin Care Tips

Everyone has their own little beauty tips, but since a beauty regime is something that people tend to do in the comfort of their own home, we often forget to share our tricks with each other. That’s why we recently asked our Facebook fans to tell us their best winter skin care tip for the chance to win the ultimate winter skin care pack. So now that we’ve received an abundance of winter beauty tips, it’s time for us to share them with you. All the entries were fantastic but we’ve chosen our top 10 winter beauty tips – be sure to take note everyone!
1. “When winter comes on, wrinkles and dryness think they’ve won. Water hydrates the inner you and moisturising hydrates the outer you.” – Vija L 2. “Having a bath in milk which naturally moisturises my skin, then drying off and moisturising again before putting on my flannelette pjs.” – Katie C 3. “Homemade organic facials with pumpkin puree and tomatoes.. Also an organic tea with jasmine and chamomile used as a mist :)” – Bonnie W 4. “Avoid turning on the heater, it just dries out your skin. Instead opt for a big, cosy jumper.” – Janelle I 5. “Use Goats milk soap & goats milk moisturiser every day to prevent dull dry winter skin!” – Meagan C 6. “Hydrate, exfoliate, moisturize… and don’t over indulge in that winter wind no matter how glamorous you look in your fluro scarf and new coat.” – Lyndel T 7. “Oil bath followed by a good soaking of cream… always keeps my skin soft.” – Petina M 8. “Adore Tanning spray tan products of course! To keep that gorgeous summer glow all winter long!” – Leah B 9. “Home-made coffee, brown sugar & almond oil body scrub once a week, fake tan once a fortnight with my fav adore product and moisturise daily!” – Jessica A 10. “Rose Hip Oil, I use it as a night moisturiser most nights in winter and it just soaks in and leaves my skin glowing.” – Ellen H (the winner)
So there you have our top 10 winter skin care tips that we received from our Facebook fans! We hope that you’ve enjoyed reading these beauty tips, there are some fantastic ones to help you out in the cold winter months. From now on you can enjoy healthy glowing skin all year round!