Spray Tan Removal Tips

While it’s absolute heaven to have a spray tan, there is sadly always a time where it needs to come off. After about 8-10 days it’s likely that your tan will have faded in certain areas and will be ready to be removed. Some people worry that it will be difficult to remove a spray tan and therefore avoid trying sunless tanning methods. That’s why we’ve decided to share some tips to prove how easy spray tan removal can be! Following a few simple steps you’ll be able to remove a spray tan in no time at all.
Using one or a few of these simple and easy methods, you can remove a spray tan in no time at all! As you can see, none of these methods are particularly difficult and generally use products that you already have lying around at home. So don’t avoid spray tanning because you fear the spray tan removal process, it’s really not that difficult and spray tanning is the only healthy way to get your summer glow!