Spay Tans Make You Look Thin

Similarly to how dark clothes can help you look slim, a tan can bring definition to the body, helping you look and feel thinner. Areas of the body that you tend to worry over and feel self-conscious of can become more defined with a spray tan and help you to look your very best. It’s fairly common for people to wonder to themselves “does a tan make you look thinner”. We’ve all had the feeling where we look in the mirror after a tan and feel like we’ve shed a few quick kilos. Similarly in winter it’s easy to start feeling like you’ve put on some weight, simply because your tan has faded and your skin is paler. So how does a tan make you look thinner? Not only does it cover any signs of cellulite or skin creases, but it also gives definition to areas that usually look slightly less defined.
Now that we’ve decided that a tan can help us look thinner, how should we go about getting this tan? There’s one simple answer of course, and that’s through sunless tanning! After all, there’s no use in tanning to look your best, if you’re going to create wrinkles and sunspots in the harsh UV rays. Getting a spray tan can help you to achieve a glorious, healthy looking glow in as little as half an hour. So within 30 minutes, you can look and feel like you’ve shed a few kilos too!
So if you’re hoping for your tan to help you look slimmer, a spray tan is definitely the way to go. Not only does it provide a healthy tan without the negative side effects of the sun, but you can also apply your sunless tan to accentuate your muscles if you’d like. Whether you’re hoping to define your stomach muscles or calf muscles, simply use some extra tan and swipe it under the muscle where the shadow is. Within minutes you won’t only look like you’ve lost weight, but also like you’ve been working hard to tone up at the gym!
So there’s the answer to the question you’ve been pondering over. Next time someone asks you “does a tan make you look thinner” you can safely assure them that they definitely do. Just be sure to recommend a spray tan – remember that the sun will only harm both your skin’s health and appearance!