Skin Care Tips For Summer

During summer, our skin is exposed to the blazing sun, humidity, chlorine and other harsh conditions. In order to maintain healthy and glowing skin, it’s important to follow a careful skin care regime! Avoid dry patchy skin, break outs and sun burn this summer – with our skin care tips you can have glorious and radiant summer skin!
Cleanse twice morning and night. To avoid any breakouts during summer, it’s important to cleanse your skin twice morning and night. This sounds unusual at first, however makes perfect sense! With the humid weather, your pores can become easily clogged, causing blemishes and break outs. Therefore, it’s not only important to wash off the outer layer of makeup and dirt, but to cleanse any excess residue from the pores too. This skin care tip is one to remember!
Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise! Although the hot sun can often make your skin feel hot and oily, it can also dry it out. Summer activities such as swimming in chlorine will also dry out your skin. Be sure to moisturise at least once a day to replace the healthy oils in your skin. Moisturising after cleansing is the best way to maintain balanced skin.
Slip, slop and slap. Don’t be tempted to get a sun tan! With all the other options of spray tan and self tanning lotions these days, you are crazy to expose your skin to the harsh UV sun rays. Sun tanning will only dry out your skin and potentially cause burn. Both of these things will increase your chances of blemished summer skin.
Try going natural. One of the best ways to achieve glowing summer skin is to avoid heavy and oily foundations. Although you may feel nervous to reduce the amount of makeup you wear at first, you will love the look once you get used to it. Apply some sunless tan to your face and body if you desire some extra colour, however wearing less foundation is likely to reduce your chances of blemished or unbalanced skin in the hot summer weather. Try a tinted moisturiser or a water based foundation.
With these tips you’re sure to have glowing summer skin. They’re only simple, but certainly worth following. The most important tip of all is to stay out of the harsh UV rays and start spray tanning instead!