How a simple tan defines your muscles and slims you down

Did you know that fake-tanning can help slim your pins, tone up those abs and give the illusion of a svelter, slimmer you? A touch of colour effortlessly covers all those lumps and bumps, evening out skin tone for a sexy finish.
Within the fitness industry, competitive bodybuilders have used fake tan for the same reasons that the rest of us do – the only difference is that they use plenty more of it to achieve an exaggerated finish. The 3 key reasons for why they use sunless tanner are to: define muscle, create the illusion of a slimmer profile and cover up stretch marks. Essentially, tanning brings out character in the muscle groups, and by doing so, highlights the muscle definition. Basically the darker your skin the more defined your muscles look, giving the impression you are distinctly toned. A healthy glow can also hide any underlying blemishes with the spotlight being on your body. It’s the simple science of light; darker areas absorb light, therefore creating less surface reflection. The golden gleam on the skin emphasizes worked out parts of the body, as fairer colours encourage light to bounce off the surface, making the area seem larger.
Heidi from Custom Tan developed the Fit Tan – the next generation in sunless tanning solutions which feature Custom Tans patented Quad Toning Technology formula to tan and tone your physique.
She says: “The unhealthy desire to be thin is now on the backburner with girls realising striving to be realistically underweight is neither desirable, or healthy. With so many clients commenting that a spray tan looks like it takes a few kilos off, I wanted to create a product that truly works with the skin to further tone and smooth the complexion. Fit Tan was created with the fit girl in mind. She doesn’t need to be a competing figure fitness model, but she is aware of what she fuels her body with and she strives hard to be her best. Girls who use Fit Tan realise that having a strong physique is a status symbol. Not everyone needs to like you, but they will respect that she has worked hard for her body and that is a sign of self respect. People look on the outside, how they feel on the inside, and I wanted to create a product for go-getting girls who are making it happen, rather than making excuses”
Here are our top tips for a flawless spray tan every time:
Prepare your skin for a spray tan:
• If you need to shave, do so at least 24 hours before your sunless tanning session. It is best to avoid using shaving creams or lotions if possible as they have the potential to create a barrier between the spray tan and your skin.
• Waxing should be completed about two days before your spray tan application.
• Six hours before exfoliate your skin to create a smooth and supple surface for the tanning solution to adhere to. Put special attention into your heels, elbows, or anywhere else you may have dry skin.
Take care of your tan:
• Steer clear from moisturizer until after you have rinsed off in your first shower. Applying moisturizer too early can react with the spray tan on the skin and cause streaking
• Avoid exercising or any activities which may cause you to sweat until after your first shower.
• After waiting the recommended development time, the next step is to shower! For this first shower, rinse off in warm water and avoid scrubbing. Don’t stress if you see the tan “come off” in this first shower as this is simply the cosmetic bronzer.
• Moisturise daily with an oil free moisturizer. Avoid oil based moisturizers as they can decrease the life of your tan.
• Do not exfoliate skin for at least 48 hours after your sunless tanning application. When you do exfoliate, do so gently and evenly to preserve an even sunless tan.
• Top up your tan with an extender to prolong your bronzed glow.