Natural Fake Tan Tips

If you’re opting for the sunless option to get your summer glow, then you’re off to the right start! Your skin and health will be the first to thank you. However while a fake tan is the best option for your body, it’s also important to maintain a natural appearance.
How do you get a natural fake tan? The most important tip is to have healthy skin! So how can we maintain healthy skin? The answer is all too simple:
A real tan is never orange. Your fake tan should not be either.
An important tip to remember is that you should never be in a rush! Patience is a necessity when applying your fake tan. Rub the product into your skin using slow, upwards circular motions with the tips of your fingers.
When it comes to your face, use a fake tanning product designed specifically for facial application. Facial tanners are less intense, leaving your face with a natural looking tan that resembles a sun-kissed summer glow.
So for all the fake tanners out there, it’s time to get to work and test out our tips on your skin!