Must-Have Spray Tanning Products

The truth is, aside from maintenance, application & preparation of the skin, a sunless tan is only as good as the products that are used. There’s a long list of sunless tanning products at our finger tips & with so many shades, formulas and uses being available, helps ensure we are delivered with the ultimate tan.
Spray-tan solution value packs are designed to ensure you are equipped with the key products of a sunless tanning range, whilst rewarding you with great deals and savings. They are a favourite amongst salons, as well as those running a home or mobile tanning business. Solution value packs are not just a convenient choice; they also allow you to get more value for your money. They work on a system of when you buy more, you save more so stock up and start saving!
Enrich your sunless tan by incorporating gradual tanners & enhancers into your aftercare advice & help your clients stay tanned all year round. In addition to your solution value packs, consider introducing these products after your sunless spray-tan to deliver hydration, at the same time conditioning the skin to accomplish a more natural longer lasting tan. Gradual tanners achieve a natural glow, and are ideal for clients who are concerned about their sunless tan being too dark, like what they say they are, they’re created to use in place of your daily moisturiser to either prolong your sunless tan or too build a gradual tan after each application. With an array of tanning products available, finding a suitable range for your clients shouldn’t be hard.
Cleansers, scrubs & washes formulated specifically for sunless tanning are designed with the intent to hydrate and balance your skin extending your tans lifespan, without stripping a perfectly applied coat fresh coat off. After performing a sunless tan for a client, it’s a good idea to recommend tan-friendly products to avoid a person looking patchy & scaly. Inform your clients of this risk to ensure that they won’t have to experience the frustration and disappointment of ruining their sunless tan.
Still a little confused about what products are perfectly suited to complement you or your business? Search our online range @ Adore Tanning or have a chat with one of our friendly beauty experts today!