Five money and time saving tips for spray tan salons

So business is booming and you’re killing it in the salon. Clients are happy, your staff are motivated, and the business is on an upswing. Great! Now’s the time to fine-tune everything.
Great salon owners know that to run a successful business, you need to constantly concentrate on the bottom line and always reevaluate and refine your practices in order to get the best out of your staff, supplies and equipment. This doesn’t mean having to completely change protocol – often, the smallest changes are the most efficient…
Customer Confirmations
Cancellations equal a loss of money and time. Develop a call or text system that ensures that every customer is contacted a day prior to their appointment for confirmation. This ensures that their time slot is secure and each available appointment is allocated accordingly.
Plan Ahead!
Don’t leave your supply orders until the eleventh hour and risk jeopardizing your stock levels. Set aside time each fortnight or month to closely monitor your suppliers and look out for promotions or stock specials. Use year on year projections to estimate your projections and consider buying in bulk to prepare for the busier months.
Refine Your Promotional Techniques
Paying hefty marketing and advertising costs? It might be time to rethink your strategy.
If the cost of acquiring each one of your customers isn’t converting like it used to, consider schooling up on social media practices. Organic promotional social media tools like Facebook and Instagram are an invaluable way to reach new clients, maintain relationships with current ones and provide ongoing exposure for your business.
Keep Up With Equipment Trends
It pays to be up to date with the latest equipment. You may think that you are saving money by using the spray tan machine that you’ve always had, but with technology constantly advancing, the latest and greatest equipment might actually save you time and money in the long run.
Do your research and shop around for the best tools that suit your business.
Maintain Optimum Techniques!
Regularly monitor your staff to ensure they are employing the highest standard techniques. This means under filling the cup with each tan in order to avoid pouring any excess unused solution down the drain. Also keep an eye on staff going through supplies too quickly. A good quality tan should only require one coat so avoid applying a double coat or administering a heavy spray. For darker results, simply ensure your clients leave their tan untouched for a longer period of time.