Get A Perfect Spray Tan
Booked in for a spray tan? Excellent. When is it, you say? The day after tomorrow? Great, that way you can still make sure you prepare properly to get the best possible results.
If you’re confused about what you should and shouldn’t do right before or after getting a spray tan, you’re not the only one. So let’s just clear some things up, shall we?
1-2 days before your Spray Tan
• Shave/wax Don’t shave or wax just before getting a spray tan. Leave waxing to one or two days before and shaving to one day or at least 6 hours before your appointment. Wax residue can take a few showers to get completely off your skin. You also need to give your pores some time to settle down after waxing or shaving. • Moisturise Make sure you moisturise after shaving or waxing to keep your skin hydrated.
Just before your Spray Tan
• Exfoliate You should thoroughly exfoliate your skin at least 2 hours before your spray tan, especially dryer parts of your body like your knees, ankles, wrists & elbows. If you use an exfoliating product, make sure it’s oil-free, because oil will hamper the tanning process and may result in a blotchy tan. When your skin is freshly exfoliated, your fake tan will last longer and will fade more evenly, without the dreaded fake tan patchiness.
• Don’t moisturise After you exfoliate, you should NOT put any moisturiser on your skin when getting ready for your spray tan. Lotions can create a barrier that prevents the absorption of the tanning product.
• No make-up, perfume or deodorant Remove all make-up, perfume and deodorant for your spray tan, or better yet, just don’t put any on after your last shower and exfoliation. Your skin and face should be free of any product so it can fully and evenly absorb the spray-tanning product.
First 8 hours after your Spray Tan
So you’ve been sprayed. Now what? As you know, a fake tan will take some time to develop.
• What to wear Wear dark, loose fitting clothes after your spray tan. The immediate cosmetic bronzer could wipe off a bit on your clothes. This is easily washed out of most clothing, but you don’t want any smudges showing if you wear lighter clothes. Don’t wear wool, nylon or silk as the bronzer may cause staining in those fabrics.
• No perfume, deodorant or moisturiser As your tan develops, don’t use any product on your skin such as perfume, deodorant or moisturiser. Wait with all of that until after your first shower.
• Don’t swim, shower or exercise Don’t do anything that gets you wet or will make you sweat. This can cause streaking or your new tan wiping off before it’s fully developed.
• Don’t shave, wax or exfoliate Shaving, waxing or exfoliating will remove fake tan from your skin, so don’t do this after your spray tan unless you think your tan is too dark.
From 6-8 hours after your Spray Tan
• Shower It’s OK to take a shower about 6-8 hours after your spray tan. However, DHA (the main ingredient in spray tans) can take up to 24 hours to fully develop so the longer you leave it on your skin, the deeper the tan will develop. Leave it overnight if possible.
Following days
• Moisturise Your tan will last longer if you keep your skin hydrated. So use moisturising lotion daily, especially after baths and showers.
• Exfoliate If you exfoliate, only do so gently and evenly to preserve your tan. If your tan should start to peel, exfoliating is the best way to get rid of dark patches.
How long does a spray tan last?
If you have followed all the recommendations, you should have a consistent colour for about 3-5 days. After that, you’ll start fading gradually and your tan will fully fade within 10-14 days. You can prolong your tan by using a tan extender.